Concrete Work

Sono tubes are concrete tubes that are usually 3 feet below grade and poured 8 to 12 inches wide. They are leveled above grade to ensure the finished structure that will be bolted or screwed to the tubes is level.
Some towns require sono tubes to be placed underneath the shed for permit purposes.
Pavilions and pergolas also require sono tubes to be poured under the posts of the structures for stability.
We offer this service when needed for customers purchasing a structure from us.
A cement pad is a good alternative to a bluestone pad as a base for your shed, garage or poolhouse. It provides a sturdy, level base and allows for air circulation underneath.
It is usually poured at 4 inches but can be up to 6 inches. It is carefully done so that the finished product will be level to support your new structure.

Retaining Walls can be a part of the completion of your structure to prevent erosion of natural materials onto the structure causing rot. It can also be a beautiful addition to your yard; a centerpiece to attract attention along with your brand new structure!
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