Wall and Floor Upgrades
Wall Upgrades

The standard wall height of our sheds is 6 ft.
Wall height can be upgraded to either 7 ft or 8 ft.
We can do custom wall height upon request.
Floor Upgrades
Floor Joists

The floor joists on our standard structures are pressure-treated 2 x 4’s 16 inch on center. If your storage needs require a stronger floor (such as in a garage or if you are storing heavy equipment), we can build the structure with 12 inch on center or 8 inch on center floor joists. The floor joists can also be upgraded to
2 x 6 joists instead of 2 x 4 joists.

On buildings where the floor joists are strengthened, you can choose to upgrade the thickness of the flooring plywood from ¾ inch instead of the standard 5/8 inch.
We also offer pressure treated flooring plywood as an option.

If you are going to be insulating your building, you can choose to upgrade to an insulated floor. The insulation is installed under the flooring plywood.